I love reading blogs. I get all kinds of crafting and sewing ideas. I love reading everyone else's life stories and the recipes...Woot! I love the cooking blogs! When it comes to
me putting fingers to keyboard.....not so much. I don't know what to write. When I do something crafty, I always seem to do it at the last minute and don't take any pictures, so I don't really want to blog about it. During Christmas, I made 2 wonderful simple wraps for friends of mine. Did I take pictures? nope. So.....no proof that I made them...why blog about them.....it's a vicious circle. Which takes me back to the start of this post. I love reading (and commenting on blogs) which is why I feel like I should have one. I want to give back, but I'm not doing such a good job of it. So I'm going to challenging myself to post at least twice a week (I'm trying to set a reasonable, attainable goal). Hopefully it won't be complete drivel, but I'm going to give it a try.